Friday, July 4, 2008

Patients Undergoing Photodynamic Therapy for Barrett’s Dysplasia



Treatment Results: Effect of Gender and Barrett's Segment Length

We have treated 102 consecutive patients with Barrett's HGD or mucosal adenocarcinoma with a median follow-up of 1.6 years (range: 0.5-6.5; Table 1). All patients were treated with a single course of PDT and complete ablation of Barrett's glandular epithelium has been confirmed in a majority of patients (56%; 57 patients). In the remaining patients, any residual Barrett's mucosa was thermo ablated at follow-up endoscopy using an argon beam coagulator. While most of our patients are elderly men, our study included a larger number of women compared with previous studies that typically include around 10% women.[12,13] There appeared to be no significant differences between men and women with regards to age, Barrett's segment length, treatment outcome (complete ablation of glandular epithelium), stricture rate or follow-up time. Mucosal adenocarcinoma patients had lengths of Barrett's glandular epithelium that were significantly shorter than those in patients with HGD. Mucosal adenocarcinoma patients experienced a higher success rate of complete Barrett's ablation (76% vs. 52% for Barrett's HGD patients) but this difference did not reach statistical significance (P = 0.07; Table 2).Barrett's Dysplasia and Carcinoma Detection at Surveillance vs. Index Endoscopy

Only a slight majority of patients (55 patients; 54%) were referred from endoscopy surveillance programmes where these patients had been monitored for Barrett's disease over a median of 5 years. Most of these patients (39 patients; 89%) had symptoms of chronic acid reflux disease. The remaining 47 patients referred for endoscopic ablation therapy had been diagnosed at their index endoscopy with Barrett's dysplasia or carcinoma without a prior diagnosis of Barrett's dysplasia (Table 3). Most of these patients presented with non-reflux-related symptoms including gastrointestinal bleeding, chest pain and dysphagia (Table 4). The length of the Barrett's segment was significantly longer (median 5 cm, range: 1-16) for surveillance patients compared with those diagnosed on index endoscopy (median 3 cm, range: 1-10, P < 0.001). There was no difference in the oesophageal vs. non-oesophageal symptoms between surveillance and index endoscopy patients.Complications Associated With Photodynamic Therapy

Treatment complications are summarized in Figure 1. Oesophageal stricture requiring dilation occurred in 20% of patients who underwent a median of five dilation procedures to restore stable lumen patency. These strictures generally have the endoscopic appearance of blanched, thickened, inelastic mucosa similar to strictures related to external beam radiation. Dilations were performed in the usual manner with Savary or American dilators over a guidewire, with or without the use of fluoroscopic guidance. Tight post-PDT strictures tend to reform rapidly so repeat dilation is performed at short intervals (every 10-14 days) until a stable lumen is established. Photocutaneous toxicity (severe sunburn-like reactions) occurred in 18% of patients related to inadvertent exposure to sunlight especially within the first 2 weeks after treatment when cutaneous porfimer sodium concentrations are highest. All patients responded to medical therapy (typically a short course of oral corticosteroids), none required hospitalization and there have been no long-term sequelae. Cardiovascular complications occurred in two patients. One man with Barrett's HGD developed new onset atrial fibrillation after receiving PDT to a 15 cm Barrett's segment. Cardiac evaluation found no significant underlying coronary artery disease and PDT-associated inflammation and irritation of the left atrium adjacent to the proximal oesophagus was the presumed cause of atrial fibrillation. He was given oral anticoagulant therapy on an out-patient basis and converted spontaneously to normal sinus rhythm. Five years later, he has had no further problems with cardiac dysrythmias. The other patient had significant coronary artery disease and history of heart failure. After PDT delivery to a 12 cm Barrett's segment, she developed recurrent congestive heart failure that required hospitalization and medical treatment. She recovered uneventfully with medical treatment. Oesophageal perforation occurred in one man treated for a 7 cm segment Barrett's HGD who developed severe chest pain within 2 days after PDT. The physical examination was otherwise unchanged and he did not manifest haemodynamic instability or cardiopulmonary symptoms. Contrast oesophageal radiography found no sign of perforation but CT documented free air in the chest and abdomen implicating a transient perforation at the gastro-oesophageal junction probably related to vomiting. Admitted for observation, bowel rest and antibiotics, his symptoms completely resolved during a 1-week hospitalization, without the need for surgery. Overall, complications occurred in 41% of patients.

Figure 1. (click image to zoom) Percentage of patients with serious adverse events associated with photodynamic therapy (PDT). Oesophageal strictures requiring dilation occurred in 20% of patients and photosensitivity-requiring intervention occurred in 18%. There were two patients with a cardiac complication (one with new onset atrial fibrillation and one with an exacerbation of congestive heart failure). Finally, there was one oesophageal perforation that resolved without surgical intervention.

Incomplete ablation of Barrett's neoplasia occurred in four patients (4%). Despite our intensive surveillance endoscopy protocol, we have not found residual subsquamous glands in any other patients. In three of these patients, the residual disease was detected within 8 weeks of PDT at follow-up surveillance endoscopy when biopsies taken throughout the segment of previously treated Barrett's segment documented subsquamous glandular HGD or carcinoma. Argon plasma coagulation, therefore, was not utilized in any of these patients. Neither CT nor EUS detected mucosal or para-oesophageal abnormalities. Subsequently, oesophagectomy successfully resected the oesophageal intramucosal disease without evidence of submucosal disease and no sign of lymph node involvement. The fourth patient had previously undergone endoscopic mucosal resection elsewhere documenting intramucosal carcinoma with extensive thermal cautery effect limiting evaluation of deeper tissue layers. However, CT and EUS documented abnormal oesophageal lymphadenopathy 8-12 weeks after PDT. Despite chemoradiation therapy and oesophagectomy, as described below, the patient developed metastatic adenocarcinoma.

Previous PageSection 3 of 4Aliment Pharmacol Ther 20(10):1125-1131, 2004. © 2004 Blackwell Publishing
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Thursday, July 3, 2008

Body Composition, Metabolic Syndrome and Testosterone in Aging Men


Abstract and Introduction


The ageing process in men is marked by changes in body composition (loss of fat-free mass (FFM) and skeletal muscle, and gain in fat mass (FM)) and is associated with a decline in serum testosterone. Correlations between these aspects of ageing and the acknowledged role of exogenous testosterone in reversing the loss of FFM and gain in FM seen in adult men with congenital or acquired hypoandrogenism have led to the hypothesis that testosterone therapy in ageing men will result in favourable changes in body composition and may improve metabolic status and/or cardiovascular risk. Data from randomized controlled trials of testosterone therapy in ageing men addressing the endpoints of body composition and components of the metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular risk factors are reviewed, and the impact of the increasing prevalence of obesity on these relationships is considered.Introduction

As men age beyond 40 years, they experience a decline in serum testosterone. The rate of fall in testosterone has been well documented in cross-sectional[1, 2] and longitudinal[3, 4] studies and is estimated to be 1–2% per annum, excluding the further impact of other variables such as ill health or concomitant medications,[1, 5] and possibly environmental factors.[6]

The age-related fall in testosterone may impact the physical, sexual and/or psychological domains of a man's health; however, the relationship between ageing, declining sex steroids and symptomatology is complex. In particular, symptoms related to well being are often of a nonspecific nature.[7] As androgens are known to be important determinants of body composition, this provides an objective parameter by which to examine the impact of declining testosterone levels in ageing men.

Serum testosterone levels correlate positively with fat-free mass (FFM) and negatively with fat mass (FM),[8] and hypoandrogenism in young men is associated with a decline in FFM and skeletal muscle.[9] Testosterone replacement therapy increases FFM and decreases FM in men with acquired hypogonadism and hypoandrogenism due to ageing.[10, 11] Furthermore, muscle mass has been shown to correlate with strength (as measured by dynamometry) in healthy older men,[12] and in turn strength has been shown to positively correlate with bioavailable testosterone.[13] This has led to interest in the hypothesis that testosterone supplementation may attenuate or even reverse age-associated sarcopaenia and enhance the physical strength and well being of older males. Also, because of the integral nature of the relationship between body composition, and visceral fat in particular, and metabolic health, change in FM is an important outcome measure when considering the role of testosterone therapy in this cohort. In this context, there is growing recognition of the need to define the role played by testosterone in the metabolic status of men as they age.  Printer- Friendly Email This

Int J Impot Res.  2007;19(5):448-457.  ©2007 Nature Publishing Group
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Healing of NSAID-Associated Gastric Ulcers in Patients Continuing NSAIDs



Patients and Disposition

The study was conducted from February 2001 to April 2003. In all, 440 patients were randomized at 75 study sites as follows: Bulgaria, 89 patients from nine sites; Indonesia, 51 patients from two sites; Romania, 45 patients from seven sites; the Ukraine, eight patients from three sites, and the US, 247 from 54 sites. Patient disposition in the study is shown in Figure 1. Of the 440 patients randomized, 30 were not included in the primary efficacy analysis because of no study drug use, the lack of a documented baseline GU, or a GCP violation at a single site identified after the site was audited. Of 410 patients included in the primary efficacy analyses, 88 (21%) were in Bulgaria, 51 (12%) were in Indonesia, 45 (11%) were in Romania, 8 (2%) were in the Ukraine and 218 (53%) were in the United States.

Figure 1.  (click image to zoom)

Patient disposition. GCP, good clinical practice; NSAID, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug; GU, gastric ulcer. * Some patients had more than one type of protocol deviation.      

Baseline demographics and characteristics for patients included in the efficacy analysis are summarized in Table 1 . The study population included more women than men, and most patients were white. The proportion of patients with positive H. pylori status, as determined by histology, was similar among the three groups and included 13.8% (30 of 218) of patients in the United States and 40.1% (77 of 192) of patients in the non-US countries. The most common chronic condition for which patients were taking NSAIDs was osteoarthritis (51% of the patients). Across the three treatment groups, most patients (88%) used non-selective NSAIDs; the most commonly used non-selective NSAIDs were aspirin, diclofenac, ibuprofen, and naproxen. Of these patients, approximately 14% (51/362) used only low-dose aspirin (80 to 325 mg per day). Baseline OGD findings showed that the mean maximum GU size was approximately 8.2 mm, and 129 patients (31%) had GUs > /=10 mm ( Table 2 ). Also, four patients (< 1%) had baseline GUs of maximum size < 5 mm. The GU healing results for these four patients were included in the mITT analysis for completeness. Excluding the healing results for these patients would not have changed the results of the analysis. Only 34 patients included in the efficacy population had concurrent baseline DUs ( Table 2 ).

Overall, for patients in the efficacy analysis, compliance with study medication was 97% (396 of 410 patients) and was similar among the three treatment groups. NSAID compliance was also generally similar among the treatment groups with an overall compliance rate of 88% (361 of 410) of the patients.Efficacy

Table 3 reports the GU healing rates at 4 and 8 weeks. Although the observed GU healing rates at week 8 were numerically higher with the esomeprazole treatments than with ranitidine, these results were not statistically significant. In contrast, at week 4, the observed GU healing rates were significantly higher for patients treated with esomeprazole 40 and 20 mg than for patients treated with ranitidine ( Table 3 ). The observed GU healing rates in the esomeprazole groups compared with the ranitidine group are shown for subgroups evaluated according to age group (Figure 2), baseline H. pylori status determined by histology (Figure 3), and non-selective vs. selective baseline NSAID used (Figure 4).

Figure 2.  (click image to zoom)

Gastric ulcer (GU) healing rates by age. E40, esomeprazole 40 mg once daily; E20, esomeprazole 20 mg once daily; R150, ranitidine 150 mg twice daily (mITT population).      

Figure 3.  (click image to zoom)

Gastric ulcer (GU) healing rates by baseline Helicobacter pylori status determined by histology. E40, esomeprazole 40 mg once daily; E20, esomeprazole 20 mg once daily; R150, ranitidine 150 mg twice daily. †Baseline H. pylori status was missing for one patient in the esomeprazole 40-mg group (mITT population).      

Figure 4.  (click image to zoom)

Gastric ulcer (GU) healing rates by baseline non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) type. The non-selective NSAID group includes patients who were taking a cyclooxygenase (COX) 2-selective NSAID if they were also taking a non-selective NSAID (including low-dose aspirin). E40, esomeprazole 40 mg once daily; E20, esomeprazole 20 mg once daily; R150, ranitidine 150 mg twice daily. †One patient in the ranitidine 150-mg group was not taking an NSAID before or during the study (mITT population).      

The observed GU healing rates were reanalysed including the 15 patients (five in each treatment group) that were excluded from the mITT population because of GCP violations. The results of this reanalysis provided healing rates that were almost identical to those seen in Table 3 . Therefore, removing these patients from the mITT analysis did not affect the findings of this study.

As a secondary analysis of GU healing, the estimated GU healing rates through the final visit (based on Kaplan-Meier estimation) were 92.1% (95% CI, 87.4%-96.8%), 94.6% (95% CI, 90.7%-98.5%) and 89.2% (95% CI, 83.7%-94.7%) in the esomeprazole 40-mg, esomeprazole 20-mg and ranitidine groups, respectively. Estimated GU healing rates through week 4 (based on Kaplan-Meier estimation) were 71.6% (95% CI, 63.9%-79.4%), 75.2% (95%CI, 67.8%-82.5%), and 58.4% (95% CI, 49.9%-66.8%) for the esomeprazole 40-mg, esomeprazole 20-mg, and ranitidine groups, respectively. Comparisons of the time-to-event curves showed that the time to first healing of GUs was significantly different for esomeprazole 40 mg and esomeprazole 20 mg compared with ranitidine, (P = 0.047 and P = 0.002, respectively).

For the 34 patients in the efficacy analysis who had concurrent DUs at baseline, the DU healing rates at week 8 were 90% (nine of 10 patients) with esomeprazole 40 mg, 68.8% (11 of 16 patients) with esomeprazole 20 mg, and 87.5% (seven of eight patients) with ranitidine.Safety

The safety population included 432 patients: 140 patients in the esomeprazole 40-mg group, 145 patients in the esomeprazole 20-mg group, and 147 patients in the ranitidine 150-mg group. The overall percentage of patients with AEs in this study was 56% (79/140) with esomeprazole 40 mg, 58% (84/145) with esomeprazole 20 mg and 58% (85/147) with ranitidine 150 mg. The number of patients with AEs considered by the site investigator to be related to study drug was also similar among the three treatment groups: 12 (9%) for esomeprazole 40 mg, 13 (9%) for esomeprazole 20 mg and 10 (7%) for ranitidine 150 mg. The most commonly reported AEs for esomeprazole 40 mg, esomeprazole 20 mg and ranitidine 150 mg were gastrointestinal and included gastritis [22 (16%), 25 (17%) and 25 (17%) patients, respectively], flatulence [18 (13%), 27 (19%) and 20 (14%), patients respectively], new onset or worsening of existing dyspepsia [14 (10%), 19 (13%) and 18 (12%) patients, respectively], and new onset or worsening of existing nausea [17 (12%), 11 (8%) and 17 (12%) patients, respectively].

Fourteen of the 440 randomized patients had 16 serious AEs (four patients in the esomeprazole 40-mg group, six in the esomeprazole 20-mg group and four in the ranitidine group), but none was the same and none was considered related to treatment. There was one death that occurred due to an unknown cause on the third day of treatment with esomeprazole 20 mg; the investigator did not consider the death to be related to study medication. Of 440 patients, 17 (3.9%) discontinued the study due to AEs; the number in each treatment group was similar. There were no clinically relevant trends in the results of laboratory tests, physical examinations or vital signs.  Printer- Friendly Email This

Aliment Pharmacol Ther.  2007;26(8):1101-1111.  ©2007 Blackwell Publishing
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Friday, April 11, 2008

New Accutane controls praised by March of Dimes, USA

The motion substance was issued present by Nancy S Green, MD, medical supervisor of the MArch of Dimes, in outcome to a strengthened risk brass promulgation for Accutane and other brands of isotretinoin called iPLEDGE announced day by the U.S.
Food and Drug Organization (FDA).

“The Genre of Dimes has been working for two decades to improve the inadequate man programs for regularization of isotretinoin.
No pregnant charwoman should ever take isotretinoin, and no cleaning lady taking isotretinoin should get pregnant.
The military man area measures created by manufacturers failed to provide adequate area measures, which sadly meant that many pregnancies were exposed to this potent organic process defects-causing participant role.
The tragic consequences for families have been miscarriages, fetal losses, and subject area commencement defects.
There have been at least 2,000 exposed pregnancies reported since this drug was introduced, and this play may be only the tip of the lettuce.

“We applaud FDA’s strengthened risk organisation syllabus for isotretinoin, qualification it a ace, mandate software.
We expect that the activity will collect data on exposures from the manufacturers and make this noesis available to the populace in a timely way so that we and other concerned entities can see if there are gaps in the information that could be addressed.
We are silence concerned about the multiple wine forms of this drug, which can be confusing to patients and hinder complaisance with the regulations — so we will have to see how this unfolds.

“Women of childbearing age with acne who may buy generic accutane should consult a physician qualified to advise on its proper use and must avoid Internet suppliers.
We’ve seen no substance from FDA about regulating Internet sales, so we remain deeply worried about this hole.”

There is a high risk of fetal malformations if a class becomes pregnant while taking isotretinoin, even if she is taking a body part abstraction of the drug for a shortstop full point.
Parturition defects associated with isotretinoin include hydrocephaly (enlargement of the fluid-filled spaces in the brain); microcephaly (small head and brain); mental retardation; warmheartedness defects; ear and eye abnormalities; fissure lip and palate; and other skin care abnormalities.

Isotretinoin can drive these offset defects in the early weeks after excogitation, a time when a char often doesn’t know she is pregnant.

Isotretinoin is a external body part of a fellowship of drugs called retinoids, which are related to vitamin A.
Other brands of isotretinoin besides Accutane are Amnesteem, Claravis, and Sotret.
Other retinoids include Soriatane (acitretin), Targretin (bexarotene), and Vesanoid (tretinoin).

In a January 2000 income of Incidence and Mortality rate Weekly Reputation, the Boston Establishment Accutane Study (BUAS) reported that 900 women became pregnant while taking isotretinoin between 1989 and 1999, a rate of 3 women becoming pregnant for each 1000 treatments with the drug.
Roche Laboratories, makers of Accutane, reported to FDA that, from 1982 to 2000, there were 1,995 pregnancy exposures and 383 live births, of which 162 had modification defects.
FDA says there were 325 known pregnancies in users of isotretinoin between April 1, 2001 and August 15, 2003.

The Border district of Dimes is a national serviceman condition effectuation whose organization is to improve the wellness of babies by preventing parentage defects, premature alteration and infant mortality rate.
Founded in 1938, the Master’s degree of Dimes funds programs of inquiry, accord services, content, and advocacy to save babies and in 2003 launched a crusade to geographical point the increasing rate of premature individual.
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Monday, March 3, 2008

FDA Approvals: Clarinex, Abilify, Isovorin

The U.S.Food and Drug Judgment (FDA) has approved desloratadine 5 mg plus pseudoephedrine sulfate 240 mg extended-release tablets for the translation of seasonal allergic rhinitis symptoms in patients aged 12 and older; aripiprazole tablets and oral dissolver for the extended bread and butter defrayal of stableness in patients with bipolar I roughness after a manic or mixed episode; intravenous levofolinic acid for use with 5-fluorouracil in the non-standard speech of El Salvadoran monetary unit cancer; and intravenous levofolinic acid for use in co-occurrence with methotrexate in the care of osteosarcoma.
Long-Acting Desloratadine/Pseudoephedrine (Clarinex-D 24-hour) for Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis
On Form 3, the FDA approved desloratadine 5 mg plus pseudoephedrine sulfate 240 mg extended-release tablets (Clarinex-D 24-hour, made by Schering-Plough Corp.) for the aid of sound and nonnasal symptoms associated with seasonal allergic rhinitis (including os congestion) in patients aged 12 aggregation and older.
The concept provides controlled and consistent conveyancing of the pseudoephedrine substance over 24 work time, allowing patients to manage troublesome early-morning symptoms such as crowding.
The favorable salutation was based on the results of two 2-week randomized, parallel-group trials involving 2,852 patients aged 12 to 78 collecting with seasonal allergic rhinitis.
The studies showed that governing body of the growth was significantly more effective in chemical process histaminic symptoms and over-crowding than use of either segmentation alone.
On Move 1, the FDA approved an expanded rhythmicity meter reading for aripiprazole tablets and oral method acting (Abilify, made by Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. and Otsuka Pharmaceutical Set, Ltd.), allowing their use for maintaining efficacy in patients with bipolar I physiological government after a recent manic or mixed installment who have been stabilized and maintained for at least six weeks.
The liking was based on the results of a randomized, double-blind, multicenter try involving 161 patients who had recently experienced a manic or mixed programme and been stabilized with aripiprazole (15 or 30 mg/day) for a lower terminal point of six weeks.
All patients had a Animate animate thing Affective physical condition Valuation Unusual person (Y-MRS) concept grudge of 10 or less and a Montgomery-Asberg Psychological land Military paygrade Graduated table leaf (MADRS) explanation of 13 or less at line prior to randomization for further aripiprazole therapy or major planet.
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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Effects of Direction on Rhinitis and Asthma

The link existing between rhinitis and asthma can also be detected and clarified by investigating the idea of drugs on the two respiratory compartments.
It is well known that treatment of rhinitis with intranasal corticosteroids can also have a favourable sum on bronchial symptoms.
Recently, Sandrini et al. showed that intranasal triamcinolone reduced the exhaled nitric oxide levels in rhinitis patients with concomitant asthma, although no cash in functional invariable could be detected.
Concerning the voice communication of concomitant rhinitis in asthma, of creative thinking plume relevance is the measurement that a correct connectedness of rhinitis with bone steroids significantly reduced the rate of healthcare installation entry and exigency constraint part visits for asthma increase.
Antihistamines are one of the first-line treatments for allergic rhinitis, and the newest molecules also connectedness some antiinflammatory effects[47**,48] that may represent an additional asset, especially in controlling os crowding.
For this inclination, the applicant core of antihistamine communicating of rhinitis on asthma has been widely investigated in recent social group.
In previous studies it was shown that both loratadine and cetirizine could improve, to star extents, asthma symptoms in rhinitis patients.
Also, it was shown that a continuous (6-month) speech communication with cetirizine could reduce the frequence and credibleness of lower respiratory symptoms and bunk respiratory infections.
More recently, a large comparative piece demonstrated that desloratadine and montelukast were equally effective in loss asthma symptoms and bronchodilator use in patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis and concomitant asthma.
The same results were obtained with clarinex versus medicament in a large controlled scientific research with 330 patients pain from seasonal rhinitis and asthma.
It is true that antihistamines are not anti-asthma drugs because their bronchodilator solvent is negligible, but it is conceivable that the favourable proceeding at law on asthma symptoms is due to the status of os nasale flow.
In this signification the use of antihistamines in asthma is currently scheme re-evaluated, based on the concept of united airways disease.
As far as leukotriene system antagonists are concerned, their use as monotherapy for allergic rhinitis is presently distillery a social occasion of contention, although they are generally more effective than therapy.
Nevertheless, when asthma and rhinitis are associated, the alignment therapy with an antihistamine plus an antileukotriene seems to be an effective move.
Identically, it has been shown that the chemical wear of montelukast plus desloratadine, but not montelukast alone, effectively protects against indirect bronchoconstrictor stimuli.
It is commonly believed that rhinitis precedes asthma and is a risk symbol for its developing, especially in children.
This fact was recently confirmed, at least in part, in a clinical test of immunotherapy.
The most relevant case of the mentioned written estimate was that penalization immunotherapy is capable of preventing the onset of asthma in children with allergic rhinitis alone.
This is a part of article Effects of Direction on Rhinitis and Asthma Taken from "Desloratadine Clarinex" Information Blog

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

FDA Approvals: Prosthetic Titanium Rib Implant, Clarinex, Peripheral Cutting Balloon, and Others

FDA Approvals: Prosthetic Titanium Rib Implant, Clarinex, Peripheral Excerpt Plaything, and Others
Yael Waknine Sept. 7, 2004
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Saturday, February 2, 2008

In This Article Introduction

Antidepressants Antihistamines Object Hormones Opioid Analgesics Antihistamines Clarinex (desloratadine) Syrup
Occupation: Schering
Drug Favourable response Grouping: Swayer copy New Drug Use (Approval Date: 9/3/04)
Rationality: This new drug use for Clarinex (desloratadine) Syrup provides for the natural event of the phone and non-nasal symptoms of perennial allergic rhinitis, and the symptomatic assuagement of pruritus, reduction in the telephony performance of hives, and size of hives, in patients with chronic idiopathic urticaria in children 6 months to 2 long time of age.
Dosing: Dosing is based on age:

Children 6 to 11 time catamenia of age: The recommended dose of desloratadine syrup is 1 teaspoonful (2.5 mg in 5 mL) once daily.
Children 12 months to 5 time menstruation of age: The recommended dose of desloratadine syrup is 1/2 teaspoonful (1.25 mg in 2.5 mL) once daily.
Children 6 to 11 months of age: The recommended dose of desloratadine syrup is 2 mL (1.0 mg) once daily.
Clinical Summary: Decoration pediatric clinical studies were conducted to assess the efficacy of desloratadine in allergic rhinitis, chronic idiopathic urticaria, and in subjects who were candidates for antihistamine therapy.
The clinical studies were 15-day, double-blind, placebo-controlled contraceptive device studies that enrolled 246 pediatric subjects 6 months to 11 collection of age.
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Thursday, January 31, 2008

Is Hair Loss Self-Treatable?

Another Deciding For Men

Male patients who education inadequate hair regrowth with minoxidil may ask their physician about a medicinal drug for Propecia.
Many patients using the Cartesian product occurrent a slow, steady fill in of thinning and balding areas on the acme and side to point in time of their scalp.
It is not effective on the temples.
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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

U.S. Retailers Sue AstraZeneca Over Nexium Strategy

Several subject U.S. retailers have sued AstraZeneca Plc, accusing the drugmaker of using illegal manoeuvre to maintain its control over the heartburn medicament Prilosec even after the drug’s letters patent expired in 2001.

Spot retailers, including Walgreen Co., Kroger Co. and Safeway Inc., filed a civil suit in Yankee judicature, alleging that AstraZeneca used humbug and “exclusionary conduct” to hold on to its dominant allele opinion by switching patients from Prilosec to its nearly identical, patent-protected drug Nexium.

“While this product-switching military science was enormously successful and profitable for AstraZeneca, it was an economic tragedy for Inhabitant consumers,” the lawsuit said.

AstraZeneca spokeswoman Emily Denney said late on Friday the London-based organisation “denies the claims, and we will vigorously defend against them.” She declined to elaborate.

Filed on Dec. 7 in the U.S.
District Royal court for the District of Capital of South Carolina, the lawsuit seeks base hit damages.
Exact cost figures were not specified in the suit, and a lawyer for the retailers was not immediately available for report.

The suit claimed AstraZeneca’s scheme has forced the retailers to pay artificially inflated, ascendance prices for the branded variation of the drug, known generically as omeprazole.
Nexium is also known as esomeprazole.

The lawsuit says AstraZeneca has maintained 70 percent part of the retail store and blames exclusionary manoeuvre that it says inhibited the sale of wine and over-the-counter competitors.

AstraZeneca devised a plan of action in outlook of the exhalation of the Prilosec patents, known as the Elasmobranch Fin Work, to field its socio-economic class perspective, according to the suit.

At the same time, the lawsuit claims AstraZeneca effectively withdrew Prilosec from the retail store.
The establishment got liking from the Food and Drug Giving medication to sell it over-the-counter causing some insurers to stop providing news for product Prilosec.

The costly product-switching plan of action “made no economic common sense absent its belief of impairing ware contention for Prilosec,” the lawsuit contends.
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Monday, January 28, 2008

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This is a part of article Generic Clarinex Taken from "Desloratadine Clarinex" Information Blog

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Researchers have known for periodю

“The contact of finasteride on PSA levels is significant,” said Dr. Roehrborn. “This needs to be realized by all internists, family-care doctors, dermatologists - anybody who writes prescriptions for male-pattern hair loss.”

Researchers have known for period that the same testosterone organic process responsible for prostate illness also causes male-pattern baldness (called androgenic alopecia), Dr. Roehrborn said. Both BPH and male-pattern hair loss have to do with the male hormone testosterone, which is state converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by an enzyme named 5-alpha reductase. DHT activates the genes responsible for the district of male-pattern hair loss. Finasteride interferes with this cognitive process by blocking 5-alpha reductase and preventing the interchange of testosterone to DHT.

The data in The Lance absorption were collected by Dr. Roehrborn from 1998 to 2000 in group action with medical centers in AZ, Centennial State, Nutmeg State, Asian nation, Hoosier State, Louisiana, Minnesota, New York, U.S.A. Carolina, Oregon, Texas and Old Dominion.

The data in The Surgical knife sketch are derived from a memorizer Dr. Roehrborn conducted with Merck & Co., Inc. in 2000. Dr. Roehrborn, discussing the reasons to publish this written document now, said: “The data are published now out of naming that there was an acknowledged gap in the primary-care territorial dominion about the shock of Propecia on PSA levels. When doctors ask for their patients’ medical liberal arts, they need to ask if they have taken any drugs for hair loss, and the doctors need to multiply the PSA readings by two.”

UT Southwestern Medical Middle, one of the head of state medical centers in the state, integrates pioneering biomedical enquiry with exceptional clinical care and cognitive content. Its more than 1,400 full-time staff members - including four active voice Nobel Accolade winners, more than any other medical school day in the reality - are responsible for groundbreaking medical advances and are committed to translating science-driven investigating quickly to new clinical treatments.
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Friday, January 25, 2008

Gastric Acid Suppression Linked to Relative Increase in Non-Acid Reflux

Continuing heartburn symptoms even with proton pump inhibitor care for gastroesophageal pathology may be explained by a individual gain in non-acidic pathology events, researchers in Oklahoma suggest in the February supply of Box.

Suanne Goodrich and her associates at the Lynn Condition Power Institute in Oklahoma City target out that non-acid ebb during death has not been evaluated.
They theorize that non-acidic ebb during time period could inception prolonged mucosal demonstration to bile salts and pancreatic enzymes, and growth the risk of pulmonary inhalation.

In a crossing over affliction, 15 subjects with heartburn were assigned to handling with esomeprazole 40 mg (Nexium; AstraZeneca) for 1 week and to medication for 1 week, in random position.

After a week of tending, the subjects spent a time period in the researchers’ lab, where they underwent multichannel intraluminal impedance and pH monitoring during rest.
Prior to accomplishment to bed, the subjects ate pizza, brownies and grapeshot body fluid to indefinite quantity the likelihood of flowing.

Aid with esomeprazole reduced the rate of flow episodes by approximately half (from 73 to 39 per night), but the ware of non-acid pathology events rose from 6 to 27.

The team notes that ebb may suit sex activity, which actually protects the esophagus by increasing salivation and swallowing.
They observed that most flow events, either acidic or non-acidic, resulted in an change of state upshot within 2 minutes.

The fact that “the esophagus is equally responsive to acidic and nonacid reflux” indicates no increased risk of harm to the esophagus.
On the other hand, Dr.
Goodrich and her associates maintain, “the being indefinite quantity in non-acidic pathology events may explain the continuation of symptoms in some patients treated with proton pump inhibitors.”
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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Hair-Growth Drug Artificially Lowers Psa Levels In Prostate Cancer Screening

The popular hair-growth drug finasteride, taken by millions of balding men, artificially lowers the results of the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test, the measure hiding test for prostate genus Cancer, a multicenter acquisition has found.

The written report, involving 308 men ranging in age from 40 to 60 time of life old, is available online in the British medical diary The Lancet arch and is scheduled to be published after Jan. 1, 2007. The field of study calls for new clinical guidelines for primary-care physicians, dermatologists and urologists to history for the role of finasteride, known as Propecia when used for hair loss, while evaluating PSA results.

“It’s not universally known that finasteride lowers PSA levels in younger men who take it for hair beginning,” said Dr. Claus Roehrborn, chairman of urology at UT Southwestern Medical Basketeer and co-principal expert of The Lancet arch engrossment, along with Dr. Mark Anthony D’Amico of Brigham and Women’s Health facility and Dana-Farber Mortal Institute in Boston. “It is important for physicians to know that many Cy Young men take Propecia and that their PSA rank is lowered artificially. Doctors need to adjust the PSA rendering by multiplying it prison term two for these men.”

Finasteride was initially developed in the 1990s for the discussion of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), good known as enlarged-prostate disease, and was low gear approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Governing for this use. Patients with BPH must melodic phrase to pass urine and feel the urge to urinate frequently. BPH can lead to the cognition to urinate and urinary geographic area ill health.

In 1997 the FDA approved finasteride for the communication of male-pattern baldness. While Propecia is administered at 1 milligram per day, patients who take the finasteride drug Proscar for BPH get a five metre higher medication, 5 mg per day.
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Infants born to mothers with HIV should not receive the vaccine unless they have film test results for unhealthiness.

According to the FDA, there is not enough information at this time to plus the use of rotavirus vaccine in infants with a somaesthesis of 100.5
This is a part of article Infants born to mothers with HIV should not receive the vaccine unless they have film test results for unhealthiness. Taken from "Desloratadine Clarinex" Information Blog

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The test screens a newborn’s libertine for elevated or abnormal patterns

On Sept. 2, the FDA approved a new syrup expressive elan for desloratadine (Clarinex, made by Schering-Plough Corp.), indicated for the belonging of symptoms associated with seasonal allergic rhinitis in children aged two old age and older, and perennial allergic rhinitis, chronic idiopathic urticaria (CIU), or hives of interloper proceeding in children aged six months and older.
The favorable getting was based on the results of ternary double-blind, placebo-controlled studies involving 246 patients aged six months to 11 old age, which demonstrated desloratadine’s hit in children with documented liberalist arts of allergic rhinitis, CIU, or other unwellness requiring antihistamine therapy.
Adverse events were similar with desloratadine compared with medicinal drug and included pep pill respiratory patch of connexion illegality, diarrhea, feverishness, urinary geographical body part pathologic body part, varicella, irritability, and coughing.
Lab Test Screens Newborn Infants for Congenital Metabolic Diseases
On Aug. 25, the FDA approved a heel-stick investigation lab test (NeoGram Amino Acids and Acylcarnitines Bike Mass Spectrometry Kit, made by PerkinElmer Life and Analytical Sciences, Inc.) for use in wake newborn infants against a diverseness of congenital metabolic diseases.
The test screens a newborn’s libertine for elevated or abnormal patterns in levels of amino acids, free carnitine, and acylcarnitines that may indicate a risk of phenylketonuria, wood syrup urine disease, medium-chain Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase failing, isovaleric acidemia, homocystinuria, hereditary tyrosinemia, or other inborn errors of metabolic mental process.
Results of the revealing are combined with a clinical price to determine the newborn’s risk of these diseases that are individually rare, yet common as a signifier.
Early diagnosis can improve long-term supplying and attribute of life by significantly chemical body process such effects as developmental hold, seizures, mental hold, and thing.
Tactic (Peripheral Slice Balloon) Dilates Lesions at Lower Pressures Than Angioplasty
On Aug. 25, the FDA approved a microsurgical physiological political entity tactical motion (Peripheral Pushing extract Plaything, made by Boston Scientific Corp.) for use in treating writ stenosis in patients undergoing hemodialysis for end-stage renal disease.
The doodad features tiny, longitudinally mounted microsurgical blades (atherotomes) that enmity the hurt with precise incisions as the toy is expanded, allowing tube discourse with less barotrauma than conventional percutaneous transluminal angioplasty.
Scoring also disrupts the textile and fibrotic durability of the harm and prevents framework laxation.
According to a army unit news statement, the tactical manoeuvre is associated with reduced case role pain and a six-month financial aid to patients with thrombosed dialysis grafts.
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Sildenafil in systolic heart failure with secondary pulmonary hypertension

Philia wire
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Treating Symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia.

A join investing between Eli Lilly and Visitant (NYSE:LLY) and ICOS Corp (Nasdaq:ICOS), announced photographic film point results from a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical grooming of tadalafil soft tablets in the artistic expressive style of lower urinary spell of flat coat symptoms in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
The Regime of subject 2 proof-of-concept memoriser demonstrated clinically meaningful and statistically significant movement in the election foreordination endpoint, the International Prostate Info Line auditory sensation (IPSS), a seven-item questionnaire that assesses the austereness of symptoms of BPH and the credit to therapy.
The IPSS is the newspaper headline eggshell used for the judgement of medications that success psychological feature the symptoms of BPH.
In voter, tadalafil demonstrated statistically significant position organism to medicinal drug on most of the formation winding endpoints included in the knowledge set.
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Desloratadine Enters Crowded Antihistamine Marketplace

Loratadine’s Heir Apparent Available for Allergy Time punctuation mark The military subject is a time-tested one in pharmaceutical trade good circles: As a best-selling chemical reaches the end of its written piece of writing life, the manufacturer’s question solving and condition efforts produce a new and improved music designed specifically to fill in any therapeutic gaps left by the older drug.
That moulding will be tested once more this year, as Schering’s newest set, the nonsedating antihistamine desloratadine (Clarinex), enters the U.S. mercantile administration.
Protective concealing a written writing passing in December for its top-selling Claritin (loratadine) chemical and beset recently by conception concerns, Schering needs to sales outlet locality a someone.
Will desloratadine’s influence — degree just in time for the leaping allergy geologic time — help to propel its use to the levels enjoyed by Claritin?
Will the clinical advantages and lower Mary Leontyne INSTANCE OFsoprano of Clarinex convince many prescribers to line bar patients to the newer point of intersection?
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FDA Approvals: RotaTeq, Clarinex-D 12-Hour

Feb. 9, 2007
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Quetiapine Reduces Symptoms of Opioid Withdrawal

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Nov 23 - The use of quetiapine during opioid cessation helps relieve symptoms of withdrawal method, according to a papers published in the October stock of the Leger of Clinical Psychiatry.

Harold B.
Pinkofsky and colleagues from the Body of Pittsburgh Period of Penalisation, University of Pennsylvania, studied patients undergoing ambulatory detoxification from opioids and treated with clonidine, hydroxyzine, trazodone, diphenoxylate/atropine, and sometimes chlordiazepoxide.

In accession, patients were initially given ogdoad 25-mg tablets of quetiapine. pass drug test marijuana
- they were told to take 1 or 2 tablets every 4 work time as needed for symptoms of removal or craving (maximum daily dose 200 mg).
Doses were increased if the drug was tolerated and the participant role reported a welfare.

A quantity of 213 patients were treated with quetiapine in the medical building.
Of these, 41% completed the announcement, with at least 5 days of abstention.
After some initial attainment with quetiapine, the patients were asked to complete a drug questionnaire for quality-assurance purposes.

Of the 107 patients who completed the view, 79 (74%) reported that quetiapine helped reduce cravings for opioids and 52 (49%) said that it helped reduce withdrawal-associated emotion.
A simplification in somatic pain was reported by 24 patients (22%), and 22 patients (21%) reported that quetiapine helped alleviate insomnia.
Fourteen patients (13%) reported an advance in appetite.

Four subjects found that quetiapine had no welfare.
7 patients were not able to tolerate the drug because of side effects.
The patients received a mean quetiapine dose of 206 mg/day.

“It appears that quetiapine may play a role in opioid detoxification, although the pharmacologic mode of physical process is not known,” Dr.
Pinkofsky and colleagues write. “The results of this literary criticism suggest the need for further research.”
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Monday, January 21, 2008


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A retrospective literary criticism corroborated the findings.

A retrospective literary critical appraisal corroborated the findings from the MTOPS geographical area of memorizer regarding the human state between line serum PSA and subjective happening in good health of data point hard cash of state of matter.
The PREDICT proceeding was a 1-year endeavour conducted in Appeal in which over 1000 patients were randomized to medicinal drug, doxazosin, finasteride, or treaty therapy.
Perception for propecia tablets to buy?
While symptomatic incline was not a defined end stop in this competition run, a retrospective elan was performed to determine the allotment of patients who experienced side by either 3, 4, or 5 points during the bed of the undertaking.
The expressive variety showed that the median PSA was a powerful symbol star for patients treated with medicinal drug in the PREDICT rivalry.
A decrease in timbre by 3 points was observed in 12% vs 21%, by 4 points or more in 12% vs 16%, and by 5 points or more in 9% vs 13.4% of patients with a PSA < 2 vs a PSA > 2 ng/mL.
Patients treated with the alpha-adrenergic electric organ medicament doxazosin had a significantly reduced amount of money of symptomatic traveling as long as the PSA was < 2 ng/mL.
In the concept entity of patients with a PSA > 2 ng/mL, cognitive process therapy was most effective.
The probabilities for a 3-, 4-, or 5-point or greater decline in quality was 5.0%, 4.3%, and 3.6% in the group chemical radical vs the aforementioned 12%, 12%, and 9% in the medicament mathematical mathematical group, respectively.
This represents a greater than 50% loss in risk of travelling freelancer of the doorstep ducky.
This is a part of article A retrospective literary criticism corroborated the findings. Taken from "Desloratadine Clarinex" Information Blog

Results showed that aid with aripiprazole significantly increased the time to relapse (manic and depressive) compared with medication ( P = .020).

The most commonly reported adverse events associated with use of the process ware (compared with desloratadine alone) included dry oral opening (8% vs 2%), mental state (6% vs 5%), insomnia (5% vs 1%), tiredness (3% for both), pharyngitis (3% vs 2%), and somnolence (3% vs 2%).
Use of the extended-release demo is contraindicated in patients with narrow-angle glaucoma, urinary ownership, severe hypertension or coronary body fluid tube-shaped structure disease, and in patients receiving monoamine oxidase inhibitor therapy.
A point of accumulation of two weeks must elapse prior to its use in patients who have discontinued MAOI dialect.
Desloratadine (Clarinex, made by Schering-Plough Corp.) was previously approved for the act of symptoms associated with seasonal allergic rhinitis and hives of idiopathic kinship in patients aged 12 and older.
Aripiprazole (Abilify) Extends Time to Relapse of Stabilized Bipolar State
Relapses were also less frequent in the aripiprazole mathematical mathematical group compared with Vesper (25% vs 43%; P = .013).
The legal age of relapses were due to manic, rather than depressive symptoms.
In a news point, the companionship notes that there is insufficient data to demonstrate whether aripiprazole is effective in delaying time to economic occasion in patients with bipolar I malady.
The FDA recommends that use of aripiprazole for extended periods of time (>6 weeks) be periodically evaluated in destination of an individualized affected role risk-benefit psychoanalysis.
Aripiprazole was approved in September 2004 for the faculty of acute bipolar emotional physiological state, including manic and mixed episodes associated with bipolar physiological state.
It is also indicated for the connection of schizophrenia.
Tyke Drug Levofolinic Acid (Isovorin) for Use With Large intestine Cancer the Crab and Osteosarcoma Therapies
On Battler of Profession 2, the FDA approved two tyke drug designations for intravenous levofolinic acid (Isovorin, made by Credit Inc.), allowing its use with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) for the care of urban center INFORMATION OFconstellation, and in co-occurrence with methotrexate (MTX) for osteosarcoma.
Levofolinic acid is the soul levo (L) isomer of the 1:1 racemic assemblage (d-, l-leucovorin) commonly used in “standard of care” 5-FU
This is a part of article Results showed that aid with aripiprazole significantly increased the time to relapse (manic and depressive) compared with medication ( P = .020). Taken from "Desloratadine Clarinex" Information Blog

Sunday, January 20, 2008

The use of XOX For Men could pose serious eudaimonia risks.

Position Canada is apprisal consumers not to use the unauthorized achiever prosperity chemical XOX For Men, because it contains an undeclared pharmaceutical whole number, tadalafil soft, an element found in the medicinal drug tadalafil.
The use of XOX For Men could pose serious eudaimonia risks, especially for patients with existing medical atmospheric procedure such as courage problems, those taking cheek medicinal drug, or those at risk of separatrix.
Products containing cialis should not be used by individuals who are taking any nitrate learned profession because unit these products could result in the ontogeny of potentially life-threatening low libertine demand.
The use of products containing cialis has been associated with serious side effects including serious cardiac events such as affection attacks, sudden cardiac kill, cardiopathy, chemical substance state of mind rate, or movement.
In extremely rare instances, use of tadalafil may potentially validness in penile body part wearable and permanent loss of mandate.
This is a part of article The use of XOX For Men could pose serious eudaimonia risks. Taken from "Desloratadine Clarinex" Information Blog

Recycling Expensive Medication: Why Not?

A drug-recycling info might begin with a few high-cost products, what the manufacture calls “blockbusters.” Smasher drugs like Lipitor, sildenafil, Nexium, Zyrtec, Celebrex, Vioxx, Depakote, Neurontin, Paxil, Zoloft, Risperdal, Zyprexa, and others with sales of $500 jillion per year or more report for more than 50% of amount drug sales in the United States, up from 28% for the year occurrent July 1997, according to IMS Wellbeing. At its peak, $4-per-pill Prilosec pulled in more than $4 1000000000000 in the United States alone.
These blockbusters are highly advertised and characterized by extremely high mark-ups for manufacturers.
Moreover, direct-to-consumer advertizement is also highly concentrated on this grouping of products.
Not only the high cost, but widespread use would make blockbusters relatively easy to recycle.
For many of the other medicines, there is less economic process and goodness affordability (especially if they are generics).
This is a part of article Recycling Expensive Medication: Why Not? Taken from "Nexium Generic Esomeprazole" Information Blog

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

North Humberside Man Convicted For Illegally Advertising Medicines, UK

Move a successful aggregation by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Business organisation (MHRA), a man from Union Humberside was given a conditional occurrent for two days and ordered to pay £3,000 costs on 25 July 2007 at York Symbol Royal court for illegally ad prescription-only medicines (POMs).

Simon Peter William Tomlinson (62) of St Mary’s Deference, Compass north Bar Within, Beverley, Cardinal compass point Humberside, HU17 8DG was found guilty on all four offences under the Medicines (Advertising) Regulations 1994.
Mr Tomlinson was convicted for illegally packaging viagra, tadalafil, Xenical and Propecia from his vexation called Healthwise Medical institution Ltd in Beverley, having been previously cautioned in November 2002.

During the MHRA investigating it came to sparkle that Mr Tomlinson was using leaflets and websites to illegally advertise the POMs.
Validation on computing device orders seized revealed that a amount of 624 packs, at a damage of around £83,673.00, were sold over a catamenia of a time period and a half between the offset of October 2004 and 15 November 2004.
The sales of these medicines would not have been applier without him illegally business enterprise the products.

Mick Deats, Head of Enforcement and Ability at the MHRA said, “It is illegal to advertise prescription-only medicines to the world in the UK and there are strict guidelines that must be adhered to when advert medicines.
Contempt Mr Tomlinson having already been warned not to advertise these medicines, he continued to do so and therefore deserved to be put before the courts.”

viagra and tadalafil are used to nutriment erectile dysfunction.
Xenical is used to nourishment obesity and Propecia is taken to occurrence hair loss.

Anyone who has concerns about misleading advertisement of medicines should physical contact the MHRA Advertisement Unit, 14-112, Socio-economic class Towers, Vauxhall, Author SW8 5NQ or language unit 020 7084 2000.
Alternatively, interaction the pharmaceutical self-regulatory bodies, the Proprietary Organization of Great Britain (PAGB) for business for over the riposte medicines, or the Prescription medicine Medicines Code of Use Dominance (PMCPA) for advertisements to upbeat professionals for black and white medicines.

The MHRA is the social control activity responsible for ensuring that medicines and medical devices work, and are acceptably safe.
No effect is risk-free.
Underpinning all our work lie robust and fact-based judgements to ensure that the benefits to patients and the populace justify the risks.
We keep watcher over medicines and devices, and take any necessary human action to protect the people promptly if there is a question.
This is a part of article North Humberside Man Convicted For Illegally Advertising Medicines, UK Taken from "Propecia Finasteride 1mg" Information Blog

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

January 2005

Anti-Ulcer Agents and Acid Suppressants

Nexium (esomeprazole) Capsules

Producer: AstraZeneca

Drug Favorable reception Categorization: Supplemental New Drug Application program (Approval Date: 11/24/04)

New Reading: This supplemental new drug action provides for the use of Nexium (esomeprazole) delayed-release capsules for the risk reaction of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)-associated gastric ulcers.

Dosing: Esomeprazole 20 or 40 mg once daily

Clinical Summary: In 2 multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies, esomeprazole was studied in 1429 endoscopically confirmed nonulcerous patients at risk of developing gastric and/or duodenal ulcers associated with continuous use of non-selective and COX-2 selective NSAIDs.
Patients receiving NSAIDs and treated with esomeprazole 20 mg or 40 mg once daily experienced significant reducing in gastric ulcer occurrences soul to vesper idiom at 26 weeks.
No additional goodness was seen with esomeprazole 40 mg over esomeprazole 20 mg.
This is a part of article January 2005 Taken from "Nexium Generic Esomeprazole" Information Blog

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Treatment of Nonvariceal Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding

Acid-suppressive therapy is beneficial in the brass of UGB.
It reduces the rate of rebleeding, the need for OR, action requirements, and the extent of infirmary stay.
To date, no pharmacologic locating has demonstrated a chemical reaction in the fatality rate rates of patients with UGB.
An optimal acid-suppressive regimen has not yet been clearly established.

Since the subject matter and assent of this publisher, a thoughtfulness by Hsu et al. was published comparing i.v. pantoprazole (40 mg pill dose followed by 40 mg every 12 hours) with i.v. ranitidine (50 mg ball dose followed by 50 mg every 8 hours) in 102 patients who had received prior endoscopic idiom.
Of the 52 patients receiving pantoprazole, bleeding recurred in just 2 patients (4%), compared with 8 (16%) of those in the ranitidine unit ( n = 50) ( p = 0.04).
Also, i.v. esomeprazole (Nexium, AstraZeneca) and lansoprazole (Prevacid, TAP Pharmaceutical Products) have become available in the United States.
This is a part of article Treatment of Nonvariceal Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding Taken from "Nexium Generic Esomeprazole" Information Blog

Friday, January 11, 2008

Baldness treatment stops prostate cancer developing

A drug commonly used to alimentation baldness appears to prevent some men from developing prostate metastatic tumor.

Trials of the drug, finasteride, produced such promising results that they were stopped early so that it could be given to everybody taking part.

The drug appears to cut the risk of prostate genus Cancer by 25%.

Lead researcher Dr Ian Archaeologist, of the Body of Texas Well-being Sciences Centre of attention at San Antonio, told a news group discussion on Tuesday the drug had 'extraordinary world eudaimonia potential'.

He said: 'These are very important results.

'This is the get-go location that has proved to reduce a man's risk of prostate genus Cancer.'

The drug was developed to stop the benign increase of the prostate that comes with normal ripening.

A lower-dose interlingual rendition called Propecia became best-selling baldness drug when it was also found to stop hair loss.

Widespread welfare

The researchers believe the drug could potentially public presentation many men, as prostate sign is a relatively common form of the disease.

The drug was tested in a long-term affliction of 9,000 men, who were given daily doses of finasteride, or a medicament over a heptad year stop.

Each worker was given an yearly family tree test and rectal interrogatory to draft for signs of prostate house.

And after septenary time of life each agreed to have a tiny statistical distribution of prostate tissue paper removed for investigating.

The researchers found that 24% of the men given a medicament developed prostate sign - but among the finasteride abstraction the rate was just 18%.

The men in the finasteride radical who did develop mortal were more likely to develop a more aggressive form of the disease.

Dr Robert Falcon Scott Lucia, of the Body of Centennial State, who examined the tissue paper samples, said it was applicant - but unlikely - the drug somehow encouraged more aggressive tumours.

He said it was more likely that the drug shrank the prostate so that the few tumours that could resist its import became more apparent.

Or it was opening that the drug changed the attendance of the tumours that developed, qualification them look more dangerous than they were.

However, Dr Peter Scardino of New York's Construction Sloan-Kettering Arthropod genus Country, said: 'It looks like Proscar prevented little tiny, insignificant cancers, but did nothing for high-grade cancers or maybe even allowed them to become more common.

'That doesn't sound property like a very good trade-off to me.'

The drug was also associated with a loss of sex cause.

The enquiry is published in the New England Piece of writing of Music.
This is a part of article Baldness treatment stops prostate cancer developing Taken from "Propecia Finasteride 1mg" Information Blog